19 000 - 25 500
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
Gross (Contract of employment)
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
Gross (Contract of employment)
18 000 - 22 000
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
17 000 - 20 500
Gross (Contract of employment)
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
Gross (Contract of employment)
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
Gross (Contract of employment)
18 900-34 800
Before Tax (Long-term contract (B2B)
18 900-34 800
Gross (Contract of employment)
Marysia is your dedicated point of contact. Whether you want to discuss your job satisfaction, have questions, or need assistance, she’s here to help. You can also send us your CV, and we’ll keep you in mind when the perfect opportunity arises.
The transparency of the recruitment process is fundamental to us. At every stage, you will be kept informed by the Recruiter about the progress of the recruitment and the client's decision—whether positive or negative.
A phone interview with the Recruiter. We won’t call you unexpectedly; we’ll agree on the interview date in advance.
A face to face or remote meeting - depending on yours and the Project Manager availability during which your technical skills will be checked.
Conclusive feedback
P.S. Just for the record, our recruitment process is not based on a set structure. We strive to be flexible regarding your availability and expectations. We don't stick to one script, we engage in real talk with you, we listen.
After signing the contract, we will stay in touch with you. It’s very important to us that you feel comfortable! We’re open to all your feedback, the positive one as well as to any suggestions on what we could improve.